Brynlee really wanted to go sledding on her birthday and lucky for her- it snowed the night before. We usually go sledding on a little hill on our street, but this time we drove a few minutes to the hills behind Occum Pond. The girls only lasted an hour before their poor little faces got frozen, but it was such a fun time.

Bryn used the sled at first, but I think she preferred "tobogganing" down the hill (pretending to be one of the tobogganing penguins from Mr. Popper's Penguins).
Mya went on a sled once or twice with Josh, but she mostly just sat in this little laundry basket at the top of the hill. Each time one of us fell off of our sled - which was quite often - Mya yelled out "Uh oh!" and just laughed and laughed.
Bryn also used the laundry basket as a sled a few times and she had fun with it, but of course it was cracked by the end of the morning.
Love this guy.
This was also Mya's first time in the snow! We normally play in the snow while Mya is napping and warm inside, but she had fun being outside with us this time.
I don't know if we'll always live in a place with snowy winters, so we're trying to have fun this winter and create some fun, snowy memories for the girls :)