Not to be overly dramatic, but tonight has got to be one of my very favorite moments as a mom. I don't remember seeing Bryn so completely happy and excited!

Bryn is Dorothy (hopefully that goes without saying) and Mya is the Cowardly Lion. I sewed Bryn's costume and luckily she approved of the finished product :)
Not the most feminine costume, Mya's lion costume kept her comfy and cozy.
Let me just say that I love our little neighborhood even more after tonight than I did before! We had so much fun at the neighborhood parade/pizza party. Josh was still on campus when the party was getting started, so I strapped the girls in the stroller and we headed out for the neighborhood costume parade.
Bryn was so thrilled to see her friend Audrey was dressed as the good witch from Wizard of Oz. I don't actually think that was Audrey's intention, but Bryn was convinced that's who she was!
Lots of cute neighbor kids
My friend took this picture....that's why Bryn stood still and did a normal smile!
The kids paraded (raced) to the community club house for a fun party
This was actually Bryn's first year trick-or-treating because in the past we've just done the "trunk-or-treating" at our church and called it good. It was the cutest thing ever to see Bryn go from house to house with a few of her little buddies. She was so giddy the whole way through. She stayed true to character and sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" as we walked around the neighborhood. Oh, I love this girl! She announced at bedtime that next year she's going to dress up as a lamb, then the next year she's going to be CInderella, then the year after that she's going to be a huge purple plum. So we've got some great things to look forward to.
Bryn's favorite treat was this mini apple from her friend Victoria's house. Bryn thought it was the funniest thing to have a tiny apple, and she ate it to the core by the time we made it home.
Such a fun, fun night.
Thanks to all our friends and neighbors who made it so fun!
So so cute! What a neighborhood. You found a great place to live. Family away from family... that is so nice.
Your girls looks so cute, and Berkleigh kept getting people saying, "Oh, look at the cute little Dorothy." She was Alice, and it was driving her nuts, but hey, we had a blast. :)
Can't wait to see her next costumes!! You did a fantastic job on the Dorothy costume. What a fun night you had. I'm so glad you had so many friends to enjoy it with.
i'm so glad that it turned out so great. I love that you're part of this neighborhood. :)
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