Monday, September 3, 2012

Back to School

Josh had orientation last week, but today is his first day of grad school.
(I'm sure I've already mentioned it, but he'll be attending Tuck school of business at Dartmouth College and working on his MBA degree).
It's kind of funny getting back into "school mode" again after a few years break, but here we go!


Carrie Richins said...

Good luck, Josh!!

Diana Hulme said...

So cool!!! I love it. How far away is the campus? Does he have to drive?

Unknown said...

I have to say, that I am so beyond words, about this post. I too moved to Dartmouth in 2003 (although, it seems like yesterday) for hubby to do his residency at DHMC, and I had two boys, while there. I can so relate to everything. I just found your blog, via felt boards. Laurie