I've been chipping away at my huge list of half-finished projects, and I've actually been able to cross several things off the list!
One thing on the mile-long list was to finish some flannel burp cloths for my friend's baby shower. Such an easy project: cut rectangles of felt, sew front sides together, leaving a gap, then flip them right sides out, and sew a top stitch. My kind of project!
How you manage to get stuff like this done is beyond me! It really is amazing that you have picked up sewing so fast and AFTER you had Bryn! Wow! I like how you tied rafia (sp?) around them! Just finishes it off nicely! Are you guys coming to visit this summer?
Seriously, Laura, you have developed a wonderful talent! I would love to be able to do something like this. I can't believe you learned how to sew after you had Brynlee (thanks to Rindi's comment). That's even more impressive!
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