Friday, July 3, 2015

Goodbye Kindergarten

Bryn finished kindergarten two weeks ago. The year really flew by and I can't believe she will be in full-day school this fall. There were some fun end-of-year activities during her last week of school...
Field Day! Bryn was so excited for field day that she ran around our yard all morning, "practicing for field day". (I remember thinking field day was the very best day of school when I was a child!)
Bryn's class had a darling choir performance and a "writer's conference" where Bryn presented a book that she had written and illustrated this year. Every child wrote about a favorite lift event. Some children wrote about going to Disneyland, going to a Yankees game, and so on, but Bryn wrote about "The Lost Pigeon": a story about Bryn and her grandpa rescuing a pigeon that escaped from the pigeon coop last summer. It was so funny to me. :)
   School Carnival
 The girls got tired on waiting in lines for the carnival rides, so they finally decided to just head to the regular playground.
 My little poser on her last day of school. 

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