One of the best parts of our Utah trip was our reunion with my extended Clarke family. Bryn had been talking about the Clarke Reunion ever since last year and was so excited to go back! It was the highlight of her 2013 and this year didn't disappoint! Like last year, we stayed at the Timber Moose Lodge in Heber, Utah and it was awesome! We were missing a few families who live out of state and couldn't make it, but it was so fun to be together with almost everyone.
The tire swing was one of Bryn's favorite parts. She rode on it a million different times with lots of different cousins, but here she is with her second-cousins Maren and Avery.
Cute second-cousins in the pool
The kids had fun doing a little relay race in the pool where they had to swim through the hoops, gather rubber ducks, etc.
We played the funniest game this year! I don't know what it was called but it was basically rugby with a watermelon. The boys were really getting into it and it was so funny to watch!
Staying at a cabin with a big indoor pool was a dream come true for these two little girls!
Other activities at the cabin included playing pool, air hockey, or ping pong in the game room, playing on the big inflatable obstacle course/bounce house, lots of board games, running around with cousins, and of course- dress ups! Here are a few of the pretty girls....and my brother Jordan :)
Mya is definitely entering the dress-up phase and it's pretty cute :)
Treats with grandma
Doing some serious building in the Lincoln Log room
Watching videos from past so funny!
Lots and lots of games with cousins
Mya and Braden (and Bryn) shared a room at the reunion and it was a little wild at times :) They kept each other up at night with their giggles and toddler talk, and then woke each other up in the morning and from naps with their cries and calling out. But reunion is never a time for sleep, right?
Each family was in charge of a meal at the reunion. We made Cafe Rio salads/burritos and had a fun time doing all the meal prep together. Thanks to Logan for bringing his speakers and compiling the perfect "Dance Party while Making Dinner" playlist!
It's always a treat when Jae and my beautiful sister-in-law Amy are in town from San Francisco.
Mya and Braden entertaining themselves with dirt and rocks.

Such a fun, fun weekend! I'm so grateful to be a Clarke!