Sunday, August 16, 2009


I absolutely love Huntington Beach. If it wasn't for our families in Utah (okay, and the ridiculous cost of housing, too!) I would want to live here forever. I love our beautiful location, the weather!!!, the constant sea breeze, the neighborhood, our amazing Relief Society and ward, our friends, Josh's work, the list goes on. I know this is where we should be right now and I'm really grateful to be here.
This is the nice park at the end of our street. I go with Brynlee at least once a day. It's such a great spot for Josh and I to talk or read. And Brynlee loves being outside, swinging on the swings, watching the other children, rolling around on the blanket, and trying to sneak grass and sand into her mouth. P.S. I guess this little dress wasn't feminine enough because she was called a boy about eleven times this day. Ha ha. Someday she'll have hair.


Jessica F. said...

It looks like a dream. What a fun place to live. Bryn seems to be getting cutter and cutter by the second!

Nate and Keshia said...

Brynlee is absolutely adorable! I haven't taken much time to check out blogs so it has been a long time since I have seen pictures of her. She is beautiful and you three look so happy! Just wanted to say hi! :)