We didn't go all out with Easter activities this year (In fact, I'm embarrassed that we never even dyed eggs or did sugar cookies. Those two are mandatory Easter activities, right? Oops.) But we did a few fun things that made it a fun holiday anyway.
A few days before Easter Bryn "Egg-ed" about ten of her friends. She made a sign for each friend saying "You've been Egged! Look around your porch to find the hidden eggs!" She loves doing sneaky things like this, so she had a blast hiding the eggs. One of her friends Egg-ed Bryn the next day and it was so cute to see Bryn's excitement :)

The day before Easter we had a brunch with lots of our Tuck friends and then the "Tiny Tuckies" hunted for Easter eggs.
Bryn always like to add new decorations to our house each holiday. This year for Easter she made these Easter egg decorations all on her own. They are so funny/sweet! She said she thought about what each family member loves the most and then she made an egg about it. I love her conclusions on what each family member loves the most. Here is what the eggs say:
"Dad, the Ninja Turtle"
"Mom, the Bryn and Mya lover"
"Princess Anna" (This one is Bryn's, referring to Anna from the movie Frozen)
"Mya, the cracker" (referring to Mya's deep love for crackers)
We went really simple with Easter baskets this year. I was also candied out by this point, so they didn't even get any treats. The girls each got a new hat (Bryn and Mya love a good hat!), a ball, and a book.
The girls on Easter morning
A quick picture before church
The best pic I could get of these two rascals in their Easter dresses
We enjoyed the beautiful Easter program at church with all the songs and messages about Jesus Christ. Easter is always a special time to reflect on the Savior and the hope that comes through Him.