Saturday was the last home football game for Dartmouth and our friend who works for the football team rounded up tickets for a big group of us. So fun! I couldn't even tell you who won the game, but it was a good time! I don't think the Ivy League schools are really known for their football, so it was actually more like a high school football game. That actually made it even better because Bryn had plenty of space to perfect her cheerleading skills.
I also feel like this blog post would be incomplete without a mention of the Dartmouth pep band. I know pep bands are sometimes comprised of an interesting crowd (no offense to all of my siblings who did band), but Dartmouth's pep band was truly one of a kind. So many things I could say about the band, so little blog space. I looked up at one point in the half time show and saw about ten of the band members running across the field without pants. Did I miss the explanation? Is this normal for pep bands? There was also some choice language in the pep band cheers that probably shouldn't be shared on the blog. I guess, we're not at BYU anymore :)
I love these bundled up girls! I love our Dartmouth friends! And I love fun little outings like this with our fam of four! And I have to say, it is really fun to be in student mode and to be sitting in the student section of a football stands....this time with children. Kind of fun.
P.S. Maybe my favorite part was at the beginning of the game when the first Dartmouth player got tackled. Bryn turned to us with a shocked face and said "But.......I love Dartmouth, Mom. And...... someone just tackled Dartmouth, Mom."
Hey, doesn't Josh still have eligibility left? HE should play!!!
that was a lot of fun. Brynlee is seriously a brave little girl jumping off those bleachers! so glad we all go to hang out! and yes, it totally reminds me of high school football.
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