It seems like just yesterday we were sitting in our living room in California editing Josh's admissions essays and crossing our fingers we'd end up at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business. I can't believe we've already been here for two years and that Josh's graduation was last weekend. It was a gorgeous day and a wonderful celebration of all that Josh and his fellow "Tuckies" have accomplished.
Tuck's graduation - a.k.a. "Investiture" - was held on Saturday afternoon right in front of the Tuck steps. Other than being quite toasty, it was such a beautiful afternoon.
Now for loads of pictures...
I am so grateful to my parents and my brothers for flying across the country to support Josh. It was so wonderful to have family with us during this exciting time.
Josh's parents couldn't make it to graduation because they are in Spain right now on an LDS mission. We wished they could have been with us, but we'll send them plenty of pictures :)
It was a bit crazy after the ceremony and we missed getting pictures with some of our good friends, but here are a few...
Joey Monteleone was the other LDS student in Josh's graduation class and one of Josh's good buddies.
Brian McKenzie and Josh met way back at ASW and the McKenzies are some of our very best friends at Tuck.
Samer Sayigh and Josh played basketball together a couple times a week.
Luke Nomura is a Japanese classmate with one of our favorite little babies in the neighborhood!
A couple of my good friends Jenny Park and Candace Monteleone.
(Steph, send me that pic of you and I ;) )
On Sunday morning was the Darmouth graduation ceremony - a.k.a. "Commencement" - with all the other Dartmouth graduate students, as well as the Dartmouth undergraduates.

I know Josh doesn't like me to gush about him, but I think it's allowed at graduation, right? I am truly so proud of Josh. When we started dating he was studying accounting at UVSC and didn't know exactly what he wanted to do. I knew he was a hard worker and would be successful but it's amazing how hard he has worked to get to this point of Tuck graduation - first, applying to BYU and getting into their business school, balancing a full load at BYU and a busy job so that he could pay for tuition, getting a great summer internship that turned into an awesome job in California, months of studying for the GMAT and 3 years of studying for the rigorous CFA exams, applying to business schools and getting accepted to his top choice MBA program, surviving the busy first year at Tuck, interning at Google last summer, making it through another school year, graduating from Tuck, and about to start a fantastic job in New York City. Josh hasn't had things handed to him and he's worked his tail off all along the way. I know I am totally bragging about him and he might make me take this down, but I am just so grateful for all his hard work and I couldn't be prouder of him!