This is a long, rambling post about what we've been up to while Josh has been Googling in New York...
We have lived at the park. It's been a really rainy few weeks, but there's usually been a window of clear skies at some point in each day and so we've rushed off to the park whenever we can. Even playing at a wet park is better than going stir crazy at home.
Mya is having more and more fun at parks and it's adorable.
I have a tiny painting in the back corner of the AVA Gallery's annual juried show, so Mya was my cute date for the opening reception. I wish I would have had time to whip up a nice, big painting for the show, but maybe next year.
(Awkward picture, I know. I think I was mid-sentence).
Lunch dates on the porch
Playing at the river with Damon and Brixton
New Hampshire is so pretty in the summer time.
We've had weekly park days with the church ladies and it's been so fun to get together and check out lots of fun, new parks in the area.
This was a big deal that needed to be documented: My first time doing a Walmart trip with two kids. Yikes. I usually avoid errands with two kids, especially if it's a trip to our crazy, West Lebanon Walmart. But Josh was gone, I needed the essentials, and so I had no other choice but to pack up my girls (and the hand sanitizer) and head to Walmart. And we survived! I honestly felt pretty victorious. And the stars must have aligned because they had just put out brand new (clean!) carts, including this funky kind that sits two kids in front. Woot woot!
Some rainy days we get so bored and tired of our regular toys that we pull out the glue and magazines and go to town. Bryn lives for this kind of stuff! She loves a good project, even if it's as random as this.
There is nothing cuter than watching these two play together. Saggy diaper bottom and saggy pajama bottom. Ha ha!
Pool days with cute neighbors
Also significant- first time ever grocery shopping with both girls at once. And we made it!
I know. How did I go a year without ever grocery shopping with both kids? I love running errands on my own at night and zooming through the stores. But actually the girls have done great as I've dragged them along for errands these past couple weeks, so maybe my solo grocery trips are a thing of the past?
I love mom moments like this. Bryn didn't want Mya messing up things she set up in her bigger dollhouse, so she set up Mya with the smaller house and Mya was so excited about it.
Oh my goodness, Bryn is just too much for me. She is still very much in the dress-up, make believe, change-her-outfit-15-times-a-day phase. I love this stage! She brings constant entertainment to our home, that's for sure.
When it's really hot and really humid and you don't have a pool or sprinklers, then your only choice is to put an ice cold cooler in the shade of the porch and hop right in.
More park time.
I love how most parks in New Hampshire are surrounded by big, beautiful trees and are nice and shady.
Cute Mya, loving this new park we just discovered.
Bryn perfecting her pizza skills. She made this cute personal pizza as I made our regular one. Bryn was adamant about doing the whole thing without help, so she proofed her own yeast, stirred in all the ingredients, kneaded the dough, set the timer for it to rise, rolled it out into crust, added the sauce and toppings - all on her own. It was so cute and she couldn't have been prouder of her creation.
And one more cute park picture.
We are trying hard to have fun even if Josh is gone and so far I think we've had a pretty good summer! Thank goodness for my two cute girls to keep me company and so many wonderful friends who have helped me out.