I spent last week at Girls Camp with the young women of my ward and stake, and it was such a blast! Above are the girls and leaders that were at camp from our Huntington Beach 4th ward.

Singing camp songs at the fire pit

I totally made a fool of myself with the girls, but one of my very favorite parts of camp was the impromptu dance one night. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time! Oh goodness.

One of the days they did lots of fun unity games

The ropes course was a hit! Here's Alex coming down.

Suzy going across the "tight-rope"

And Taylor climbing up to the ropes course.

Sage, Suzy, and other girls painting blocks for a humanitarian aid project

Megan (left) is my awesome counselor who is over girls camp. And Kelli (right) is our wonderful ward camp director. I had so much fun with these ladies!

Our ward girls and leaders were split up into different cabins the whole week, but it was fun to be together at certain events.

Each cabin was a different country and I was one of the leaders in the Greece cabin. I didn't know any of the cute girls in my cabin before, so it was fun getting to know them!

It was the 6th year Kelsey and Elizabeth have been to camp, so this was their final year of girls camp. They had leadership roles this time and they were awesome!

The camp we stayed at prepared all the meals for us, but the menu was strictly vegetarian. By the end of the week we were all craving MEAT, so we stopped at In-n-Out on the way home.
What a fun week! I hope I serve in the Young Women program long enough to go to girls camp again and again.
**BIG, BIG THANKS to my sweet friends who watched Bryn this week while I was away. I have the greatest friends! Thank you!!!