And this is an all-too-familiar scene on the floor.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Coloring Queen
One of Brynlee's very favorite things is coloring. And one of my very favorite things is watching Bryn color. Occasionally, she gets silly -- doing wild strokes, and laughing at herself. But most the time, it's very serious work. No talking. No laughing. Just head down, focused.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
It's About Time

(Bryn, attempting a "cute face" for Jae)
Our new little web cam came in the mail this week, and we've been stalking my siblings on Skype and Gmail chat ever since! It's only been a few days of skyping, and I think they're sick of us already. But we love it! So fun!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Yellowstone, Part 2

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Yellowstone, Part 1
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday Evening with the Hawkins Fam
Little Sicky
Like I mentioned, Bryn got a little sick on our trip. This was Bryn's first time being sick (beyond a runny nose) so maybe I'm just being dramatic, but here's the story anyway.....
PART 1: Basically, Bryn caught a little stomach bug in Yellowstone, she got really dehydrated, and ended up at Primary Children's Hospital. She was lethargic and limp (scary), but after ten hours on an IV she started perking up. They advised us to keep her til the next day, since her blood tests hadn't looked so good, but she seemed fine to us so we wanted to get out of there! So we convinced the doctors she was okay and to release her early. (Which was an embarrassingly stupid move on our part. We definitely should have kept her there til the doctors were satisfied. )
Finally perking up and having a few bites of mashed potatoes.
PART 2: So we took her home to my parents house and then took off for California the next day. She still was weak and didn't have an appetite, but she seemed okay. Then when we were about two hours from Huntington Beach she started saying "Yucky, yucky, yucky" and, just as Bryn had warned, things certainly got really yucky. And then even yuckier. And then ever yuckier. Can you tell from this picture it was a bit of a wild ride?
Bryn was crying in discomfort and we were really worried she'd get dehydrated all over again. But we made it home, bathed her and cleaned everything up, and put her to bed. (With a much-needed blessing from Josh and our Home Teacher). Thankfully, she had a great day Sunday, munching on dry toast and applesauce slurping Pedialyte popsicles. (And hooray that she kept everything down!) She is still a little weak, but at least the stomach bug is gone and I think we're past the dehydration stage. Woohoo. Anyway, that's that.
- - - - -
Okay, go ahead and laugh at how dramatic this little experience was for us. We can laugh about now. Until I smell her car seat. And then the laughing stops.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
High and Low
Well, it's been a week of highs and lows.
HIGH: Our trip to Yellowstone National Park
LOW: Our trip to Primary Children's Hospital (stomach bug + super dehydration)
Actually, the real low was the drive from Utah to California. I'll spare you the messy details of that lovely trip.
(I'll post more pictures from our Utah trip when things slow down.)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Road Trip
Our last Utah-California drive was an adventure with the three of us in the cab of a U-Haul, our car being towed at the back, no air-conditioning, a close-to-overheating vehicle, and a 6-week-old baby who nursed every three hours.
We're hoping this trip will be a little smoother....but this time we have a busy toddler, so it will probably be right up there with last time. Any great tips for long drives with toddlers?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Blackout Curtain
Bryn's room gets a lot of light and she was waking up pretty early because of it. Her window is six feet wide, so I had trouble finding black-out curtains or roller-shades wide enough. (Plus they were expensive!) So I made a simple black out curtain a few weeks ago and it's made such a difference!
I bought two yards of "blackout" fabric from JoAnns, and with a 50% off coupon it was only 2.99 a yard. Then I cut it to fit the frame of the window. (Actually, I cut it too short and so I had to sew an extra strip to the side. Figures.) I stuck a line of sticky-back velcro to the top metal frame of the window, and then sewed regular sew-on velcro across the top of the blackout fabric. And that's it. It only takes a second to stick it on each night, and then I just fold it up and hide it under Bryn's dresser during the day.
Here's Bryn's room this morning without the blackout curtain up.... (Just focus on the amount of light, not the bare white walls, lack of curtains, or mismatched decor. Ha.)
And here it is with the curtain up. It makes a huge difference! She used to wake up at 6 am, and now it's closer to 8. Hooray for a quick solution, and for more sleep!!!
(We only use it at nights. If we used it for her naps too, then she'd get used to sleeping in a black cave and never fall asleep when we travel!)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Sewing Class

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Orange County Fair

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