
The rest of my freshman year was spent living in the Helaman Halls dorms at BYU. I lucked out with an amazing roommate, Kristin Drennan. What a wonderful friend!

Freshman year was a fun year filled with lots of crazy adventures in the dorms! Anonymous love notes, secret deliveries, spook alleys, dances, campus activities, all-nighters, and the frantic cramming for tests.
I also had such a great experience serving with these three amazing girls in the Relief Society.
I was definitely single and unattached all of my freshman year, but I had my share of interesting dates and set-ups. (No offense if you know this particular boy.)
My next semester of BYU was spent on a field study with about ten art students from BYU. We spent the first month of our trip in Tonga. It was definitely a little scary and uncomfortable at first!!!
But what a great experience it turned out to be. I learned soo much and had quite an adventure. Tonga has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world!
New Zealand is simply breathtaking. I cannot wait to go back someday!

Soon after I got home from New Zealand I went out with Josh for the first time. I was smitten from the start....as shown in the picture above. (Taken right after my first date with him).
We started dating right away, and....
We got engaged near the end of winter semester. (My ring is actually a diamond, even though this picture makes it look like a little green neon light instead). This was such a fun semester of dating, but it resulted in the worst grades while at BYU! I was a little distracted.
We got married between my sophomore and junior years of BYU, so I began my third year at BYU as a little married woman. When I wasn't studying religiously at the library (ha!), I was learning how to cook! This was a fun time. I got such better grades (and such better sleep!) as a married student because I didn't have to schedule in time for dates and socializing.
I started BYU in the art program, but during my junior year I got accepted into the BFA division of the art program. I finally got studio space on campus. Hooray!
As far as art goes during my junior year, I spent most of the time on a series of paintings about the Great Salt Lake.

At the very end of my junior year I found out I was pregnant. I was so nauseous with morning sickness during my finals!
Luckily, I only had a few more classes to finish up, so I could fit my final credits in before the arrival of the baby. My senior year has been great! I had my final BFA art exhibit in October (see my art blog for more details). Once that was over, the semester wasn't bad at all. I just had a few last classes to wrap up, but it was a far easier semester than my past years.
I have LOVED my time at BYU. I feel soo blessed to have attended this university and to have been able to graduate. I have learned such a great deal these last few years, and I'm so grateful for this wonderful educational experience!
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