There are so many deer in our neighborhood, but it's still exciting for the kids every time they see them. | Trying to soak up every bit of sunshine before the cold months come!
Poor Tate was a little sickie boy and had to do a nebulizer four times a day for about 2 weeks. Poor guy.

The girls draw probably an average of two hours a day. Bryn's favorite thing to do is to draw ponies in different adventures. Her drawings are so fun!
Proud little Mya with two of her drawings
Tate spends most of his days scheming how he can crawl into the dishwasher. In this picture he has a cucumber slice in his mouth - a cucumber that he reached up and stole from Mya's lunch plate! | Tate got another hair cut to get rid of his straggly hairs.
I love my simple days at home with these three! Some moments are chaotic and messy and silly, but I love my job of mother and I love this stage of life.