I've wanted to visit the Boston Museum of Fine Art ever since we moved back east and I finally got to go this past Saturday. (Thanks to our local Howe Library for the discounted museum pass!) Josh was nice enough to watch the girls for the day, so I drove down to Boston with one of my friends and we had a great time!

The museum had tons of great stuff! We spent three hours there and only walked through about half of the museum. (We spent most our time in the European, American and Contemporary Art sections). Here are a few of my favorites...

Homer | Hmm...can't remember who painted this one
Cassatt | Degas
Hassam | Degas
John Singer Sargent
Van Gogh | Cezanne
Monet | Monet
An weird little Kiki Smith sculpture
Frankenthaler | Motherwell | De Kooning
Tara Donovan's giant styrofoam cup sculpture (on the right) was pretty cool!