Bryn and I have had a fun morning celebrating Valentine's Day!

I made this V-Day Envelope a couple years ago and started doing the love note tradition, but this year was really fun because she was more excited about it!

Each morning from Feb 1-Feb 14 I left Bryn a love note and a little treat or gift. It was just small things like nail polish, stickers, a coloring book, her favorite snacks, etc. Bryn was still so giddy about it each day. Holidays are so fun with her!

Here she is this morning looking for her note and treat. Don't mind her crazy hair or outfit. This is first thing in the morning with bed-head and the outfit she dressed herself in before she came out :)

Since today was the last day she got something more special: one of her favorite books: "Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, too?" by Eric Carle. Bryn was thrilled because this is one of her favorite books that we check out from the library and now she has her own copy....and the pages aren't torn or drawn on! (By the way, if you are Eric Carle fans like us: select Eric Carle books are only $5 at Kohls right now. Hardcovers).

We planned on decorating Valentine's sugar cookies today, but I chickened out and convinced Bryn to make scones instead! Sometimes making sugar cookies can turn into an all-day affair with making the dough, chilling it, rolling them out, cutting them into shapes, baking them, and frosting. It always takes longer than I think and I always eat about 25 cookies. So.....we opted for quick heart-shaped scones!

We used our favorite
scone recipe from "Our Best Bites" and Bryn was my little helper in making them....and eating them!

We also got super fancy and dyed our milk pink.

Happy Valentine's Day!