On the Sunday of our camping trip to Watkins Glen State Park we spent the day in Palmyra, NY, which was about an hour or so from our campground. We went to church with the other families we were camping with and then visited the LDS church historical sites in Palmyra. I hadn't been to these sacred sites since I was ten years old, so it was neat to be back.
Palmyra Temple
The property where Joseph Smith grew up.
The first home Joseph Smith lived in on the property.
Some cute sister missionaries giving us some historical background in front of the second home on the Smith property.
Bryn and Mya loved looking through this "old-fashioned house" of Joseph Smith.
Mya and cousin Abby walking from Joseph Smith's home to the Sacred Grove
We had a little family devotional in the Sacred Grove and talked to the girls about the First Vision, how Joseph Smith prayed to God and his prayer was answered by God and Jesus Christ appearing to him. It was a special little moment and the girls were really into it. Afterwards they wanted to "say prayers like Joseph Smith". It was cute :)
This was the point where Tate suddenly got a fever and totally not himself. We ended up leaving the church sites earlier than the rest of our group, driving back to our campsite, and packing up one night early. We knew Tate was going to have a rough night and we wanted to get home and get him on a breathing treatment, etc. Poor guy! We snapped this picture just to prove he really was there with us :)
It really was a special day and we felt like we were on holy ground.
I'm sure my kids are young enough that they'll probably forget this day in Palmyra, but hopefully they'll remember it for at least the new little while.