I made this Pasta Primavera this week and it's a good one. (I added a full pound of asparagus instead of a half. And I used one large red pepper instead of two orange ones. And I didn't add the shaved parmesan at the end. Yum). I have lots of similar recipes, but I just can't get enough of meatless pastas full of vegetables...oh, and half and half and parmesan cheese! Ha. Just as important as the vegetables!
And for second course: Pumpkin Bread. Is there anything better? I made twelve little loaves on Saturday night, gave five away, and consumed the other seven, with minimal help from Josh and Bryn. I ate the last crumb last night. So seven loaves in four days. Wow. Hooray for fall!
Do you love Regina Spektor as much as I do? I've listened to her "Far" album about 75 times in the last 48 hours. (I'm sure I'll be sick of it by tomorrow) Josh groans because he thinks her voice is weird and her songs are funny... both of which are true. But Bryn and I love her, so it's two against one. We twirl around all day as the songs repeat again and again. Really.
I'm working on my first quilt! Well, the first one without my mom's supervision. I'm a novice, so I figured starting with stripes was an easy way to begin. And I just got the yellow Joel Dewberry fabric online for the back of the quilt. The quilt is going to be for Bryn's future toddler bed. It looks nice and feminine doesn't it? Ha. I always do gender-neutral bedding and decor in her room in case she has to share a room with a brother down the road. But I'm sure I'm
just jinxing myself and I'll end up with all daughters and not a single pink or purple item!
I lived for stake dances when I was younger. And they're even better as a leader, standing back and witnessing the whole spectacle. We had a funny stake dance last night and there were just too many funny things, I can't even describe it. Josh was laughing at my spur-of-the-moment costume, saying I looked like I was 14. I wore my retainer in this picture to make it even worse. But even without the retainer, I was still mistaken for a young woman at the dance by more than one person. I removed my hat, they were blinded by my gray hairs flashing in the strobe light, and that settled that.
Nothing. (other than church materials.) I finished The Help last week, which was a good read. But this week I've started three books and shut the covers to all three. Any good recommendations? I think I've already asked this about nine times, but I always enjoy reading the books you've suggested! Any more favorites I should read?