I love Thanksgiving time. This was our second year doing a big "Grateful Tree" and this is definitely a tradition that is going to stick! It's a funny little activity for the kids, but it's truly a great reminder of all the wonderful things that we are grateful for. Bryn helped me cut out about 100 leaves and we made enough for each family member (minus Tate) to write on a leaf each day of November. I loved hearing what my girls were grateful for each day. Some of their responses were so off the wall and funny, but other times they were really genuine and sweet with what they wrote down.

One of the five days my mom was in town was Thanksgiving. We really lucked out to have her here working her magic in the kitchen. My cousin Cara and her family joined us for our Thanksgiving meal and it was the perfect day.
Even Tate wore a headband for a bit :)
No play date with Bryn and Liv is complete without dress-ups and dancing!
I'm grateful for this crew!
What a wonderful day!
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