Let's talk about Bryn for a minute. She is at such a cute stage (I think say that about every stage, but you know...) I love this sweet girl so much and I'm so grateful for all the joy and laughter she brings to our home every day. Here are a few pictures of Bryn from this past month...
Bryn wanted to make cookies all by herself one night, so she read the recipe and made them by herself! I stood right behind her and directed her, but I wasn't allowed to touch anything, get any ingredients out of the cupboard, help her measure anything, nothing except put the cookies in the hot oven. She was so proud of herself!
She loves spelling out words with the duplo blocks. This one was built after she watched the movie "Hercules"
Josh did some travelling for work in September and Bryn always loves sending him with a note or two ...or ten. That girl loves writing a good note!

Josh works with the young men in our ward and he wanted to support a couple of them that were on the high school football team/marching band. Bryn wanted to go with him so it turned into a fun Daddy-Daughter date.

Josh and Bryn met up with my niece Abby at the football game and Bryn felt so cool to be hanging out with Abby and her high school friends.
Bryn loves to read on her own, but she also loves reading to Mya. It's one of my very favorite things to see those two cuddled up on the couch reading books.
Bryn usually wakes up before I do and she always gets herself dressed for the day. Every once and a while she picks out an outfit that I'll actually let her wear to school, but most days the outfits look something like this.
And her poses are always pretty great, too.
As soon as she gets home from school her regular clothes are always replaced with dress-ups. And then she usually stays 100% in character until bed time.
Bryn loves when it's her turn to teach the lesson at Family Home Evening. Her lessons always include some pretty great props and drawings. A few weeks ago she gave us a lesson on how we should "destroy Satan by only obeying God". She made a big drawing of Satan (saying "Mwa ha ha Jesus") and she had us throw balls at Satan to show how we were going to defeat him.
She also made this sign that said "I believe the Lord God is alive. Hooray!" with a drawing of God? Jesus?
We have lots of squirrels and bunnies that roam our neighborhood and Bryn likes to leave snacks for them on our back porch.
The sign reads "Help yourself to my food, customers"
She loves drawing princesses and I loved this drawing because of the little sign she included that reads "Its good to be pretty but its better to be nice." Atta girl :)
We sure love our Brynnie girl!
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