I'm 17 weeks along, due July 1st, and couldn't be more thrilled!
We are so THANKFUL for all the prayers from our family and friends that have helped this little baby hang on!
After my 4th miscarriage last summer, I was referred to a new high-risk pregnancy doctor (Dr. Sassoon) and she and her staff have been awesome! I wish I would have been working with them from the start. We're been doing a few new treatments this time around, including Heparin injections every 12 hours. I'm not a big fan of shots (who is?), but it's a small price to pay if it will help me stay pregnant the whole nine months!
We are feeling really optimistic about this pregnancy and really grateful that this baby hasn't had any complications yet. Hopefully all will go well and we'll have a new addition this summer!
Congrats Laura this is happy news!!
How exciting. We are so happy for you guys. I hope everything continues to go well for you guys. You are such a great family!
Congratulations!! So happy for you guys! Love you all!
So happy for you guys! Congrats!!!
Hooray! Wonderful news! Glad to hear that you've got such a good doctor helping you out.
You just put a smile on my face! Thanks for sharing the happy news! Stay positive! Sounds like you have a excellent doctor! Hugs, Emily
That makes me so happy, so I can't even imagine how happy you guys are! Congratulations!! That is such wonderful news!
Laura, this is wonderful news. I am SO happy to hear this. And you'll get to find out the gender in just a few short weeks!!! I think about you OFTEN and this news just made my week. Congrats!!!
Oohhhhh congratulations Laura! And Josh and Brynlee too! I love you guys. How fun!!!
congratulations! thinking healthy thoughts for you!
Oh, Laura I am absolutely thrilled to read this! Wonderful! Praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby.
What great news! I'm so happy for you and your family! I'm so glad you've found a wonderful doctor and things are going well :)
so happy for you. Our prayers and joy are with you
CONGRATS!!!! We are SOOO excited for you!
I am so so happy for you guys! Bryn will be the cutest bug sister! This totally made me smile and I can't wait to meet him or her! Are you gonna find out?
Congratulations you guys!! We are so happy for you! And way to go Laura--shots every 12 hours! :( Can't wait to find out if its a voy or a girl!
Boy. Ha.
Babies are the best news! Congratulations!!
congrats! this is great news!
so excited for you guys! wahoo! congrats!!
This is fantastic news! congratulations!
Congratulations. Brin will be such a good big sister.
How exciting..congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! so so excited for you guys!! sorry about all the shots, but of course it will definitely be worth it :)
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!
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