We finally finished making Bryn's little play kitchen....a project that lingered on for months! I've seen a million of these handmade play kitchen on the internet, so I wanted to jump on the bandwagon.

We started off with
this side table, which I found at Goodwill for $10.00. We cut down the legs a few inches, took off the knob, filled in the hole, and sanded the whole thing down. Then we primed and painted the whole thing, added a new handle, and added a little "back-splash" panel on the back. And of course added the other little parts. We covered the whole darn thing with three coats of Polyurethane to make it more durable.

We cut a hole for the sink and gorilla glued a little silver bowl in the hole. The faucet is an upside down letter "J" from Michaels. The knobs were taken from an old dresser found by our dumpster, and then painted silver. And the burners are thin wood circles from Michaels. The pots and pans, metal hooks, and metal bar are all from Ikea.

We took apart the drawer and added some hinges and black chain to the front part of the drawer to make it an oven.

It stays shut with a magnetic closure from Home Depot.

I sewed up a little dish towel, that probably shouldn't be hanging on the ground. And a little oven mitt, that turned out more like a snow mitten or a Christmas tree ornament.

Bryn's fake food and dishes hide behind this lovely little curtain. The curtain is hung on a wooden dowel. And that's that.

Big thanks to our neighbor Tyler for lending us his fancy saw about 35 times.
And big thanks to Josh for accompanying me to Home Depot about 75 times, and then pretty much building the whole thing, with me peering over his shoulder and critiquing any imperfection.
I think Bryn will love it! (She'd better.)
Laura!!!! This is AMAZING! I think you did such a great job - all of the little details and colors are perfect! I think my favorite part is the little ruffly curtain. Ah...you are so great. I can't believe it. :)
P.S. The little pom-pom trim is killing me.
P.P.S. Grandma Tueller is going to LOVE THIS!!!
are you serious?!?!?!!?!?! that ktichen is AMAZING!!! best one i've ever seen!!
and the pictures look so professional too!!
as always, I think you're amazing, but you've really out done yourselves. good job Hawkins!
WOW! I am seriously so impressed. I never ever would've thought a side table could turn into a mini KITCHEN! haha great job! :)
Wow, this is amazing!!! It looks so great!!!
Laura I love it! I don't have a daughter and I still want to make one. Seriously. I am very impressed with your crafting/building skills!
I want one! Or rather I think Clara "needs" one...I'm off to convince her daddy of just that! Nice work guys!
You make motherhood VERY hard on me! My projects involve glue guns and flowers and I think I'm fancy. You are my MOTHER HERO!
Let's talk about the kind of sites you're roaming through on the Internet where you've "seen a million of these handmade play kitchens". Is that a joke? Have handmade play kitchens gone viral? What kind of sites are these? Handicraft chatrooms? Doityourselfkidsfurniture.com? An O Magazine special feature entitled, "How to Make the Other Moms Just Wring Their Hands in Jealousy"?
It turned out perfect! Thanks for more kitchen inspiration, I have been thinking about getting a jump-start on making one for Christmas. awesome job!
Looks great! Would you like to include it in my flicker group of play kitchens?
This is amazing! What did you do for the oven portion? Did you put a wood board inside so that pieces don't fall down to the storage area below?
I love the "oven" that is closed with a magnet. Genius!
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