Bryn and I have had a blast so far in Utah. Maybe Bryn's favorite part (besides playing with the fam) has been running through the sprinklers and jumping on the wet tramp. So fun to see her go nuts in the water!

Shaking it on the tramp. And speaking of shaking it...When we saw my family at the airport I let Bryn out of her stroller and the first thing she did was smile at everyone and then shake her little bottom side to side. Her signature move.

p.s. Bryn was perfect on the plane...an answer to prayers! ha ha. It was a miracle. She was fascinated with looking out the window, so we didn't even touch all the little snacks and toys I lugged onto the plane. Cross your fingers she'll be good on the way back!
Any chance I get to meet Brynlee while your here? How long are you here? I promise I won't call her a boy! :P Mostly because I never thought she looked like one.
Soooooo cute! We miss you guys already!
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