Josh was in a big football tournament on Nov. 1st and he came home with a really swollen and bruised finger. I convinced him that it was probably just jammed...but it was definitely broken! Oops. (I feel really bad.) When the pain and bruising didn't go down, he saw a regular doctor and then a hand specialist yesterday, who told him he would need surgery asap. Poor guy! The surgery needs to be done within 7-10 days of the accident, so they fit Josh in and did it this morning. Everything went well and Josh is doing great. (That might change when the numbness in the hand wears off!) I was hoping he'd be funnier after he woke up and came out of it, but he was pretty normal and coherent. No funny stories to share. Oh well. He has three pins through his finger, holding the bone into place, but he'll get those taken out in a month. And then he'll just do some sort of physical therapy to get his range of motion back. He also has to wear a sling and an ice pack until the weekend, which he's not too happy about. The sling definitely draws more attention to him than just the wrapped finger! This whole thing has become quite an ordeal! And we found out that his surgery will cost us as much as the big total cost of my labor! What a lovely (cough) surprise. I guess it's a good thing we're so loaded.
A special thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Tueller and Aunt Carolyn for helping us to and from the hospital, since our car is still in the shop until the weekend. We are soo grateful to live so close to family! They're not the only family members we've been bumming rides off of these last two weeks! Thank you!!!
One nice bonus of the surgery was Josh's new pair of fuzzy hosiptal socks. They've improved since the last time I had a surgery! I guess hospital socks now have grips on both the bottom and top of the sock. Not bad.
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