Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mt. Gile

 One of our favorite local hikes is Mt. Gile and we hiked it on such a pretty day last week. I know it's going to be much harder to do family hikes once we have baby #3 (and once Josh gets busy with his new job) so we're trying to fit in as many hikes as we can. 

If you look closely you can see Bryn and Josh peering over the top of the tower. It's actually a little nerve-racking climbing the tower with kids, so this time we actually didn't take Mya to the top. She was insisting on climbing the steps on her own and that just wasn't going to happen. So we took turns going to the top with Bryn.
 I'm not sure what's going on with this pose :)
 The panoramic view from the top of the tower is so pretty. You just see green, green, green in every direction.
 My attempt at a panoramic picture of the view

 These two walked hand in hand for a long stretch of the hike and it melted my heart. There is nothing better than sisters!

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