For the past four years my mom has been the head of the women's administrative committee at Oakcrest Girls Camp in Kamas, Utah. (Each summer Oakcrest hosts over three thousand 12 and 13 year-old-girls from 93 stakes across Utah). This was my mom's last summer with this calling after four busy years, and her release was a little bittersweet. When I was in Utah last month I got to spend a day with my Mom at Oakcrest, and it was so awesome to see her in action. I've heard about "Oakcrest Oakcrest Oakcrest" for the past four years, but this was the first time I could actually be up there with my Mom and see what she does up at camp!
I don't know why, but I was getting emotional seeing her interact with the girls and staff up there. Even when she was up on stage dancing and doing the "Hoedown Throwdown" with the counselors, I was getting emotional! Ha! I just love my Mama and love seeing the impact she's had up at Oakcrest! She is super woman and I hope to be like her when I grow up :)