Monday, December 5, 2011


How do I convince Bryn we actually do want another one of these...
(This is cute, jaundice-yellowed Bryn at 3 weeks old)
In every prayer Bryn says she prays for a "new baby in our family", but on Saturday she stopped in the middle of her prayer and said "Mom...I actually don't even want a new baby in our family. I only want a new KID in our family. I don't really like babies, but I do like brothers and sisters that know how to READ."
And now the wheels in her head have been turning and she's told me more and more ideas of the perfect type of "kid" we should add to our family.
So our options are: (1) shift our approach and look into adopting a KID instead of trying to have a baby, or (2) convince Bryn all the wonderful things about BABIES. I think we'll stick with the second option for now :)


  1. Ha! Or you can just hope that your baby pops out as a genius with the ability to read so Bryn can get the best of both worlds :)
