Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I'm not very good at waiting.
(I'm learning this more and more each day. Each week. Each month).
And that's probably why I have to wait -- because I'm not very good at it.


  1. Hi Laura, I know we don't know each other, but I think I know a little bit of how you feel. If I am reading between the lines here with this post and what you are waiting and longing for...

    I have been there. I know the "ache." Month after months...We don't share the same religion, but I believe we believe in the same God. I am praying for you today.

    P.S... I hope you don't think I am "weird" for posting this!! I really am not a crazy "stranger"!

  2. I know how it feels to wait as well. Hang in there. At least it is semi comforting to know that you aren't the only one going through this kind of trial, at least it helps me to know that. :)

  3. Every day that I specifically pray for more patience, B has a really tough day and my patience is tried all day. The Lord sure know how to test us and help us grow...

    I'm so sorry you have to wait...hopefully it's not for too much longer!

  4. Oh man I so know how you feel! We waited 7 1/2 years for Hema....now we are waiting again....it's especially hard to wait for things that you know are a righteous desire. Hang in there! You guys are in our prayers!!! I'll call you this week to see if we can meet up while we are in town! Love you!

  5. waiting sucks. ): Sorry! I hate waiting too. (no I'm not waiting to get prego). I just am not patient. So I feel for ya!

  6. Waiting stinks! I hope you don't have to wait much longer. We pray for you guys everyday!
