Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It's been a beautiful day for several reasons:
-I woke up at 5:45 this morning and had a killer run on the elliptical. (Not killer because I ran fast, but killer because it almost killed me). This is day two of early-morning exercise and I'm hoping this pattern will stick... for the rest of my life! It usually lasts a week.
-I worked on an awesome Personal Progress experience this morning that strengthened my faith and has had me thinking all day.
-I've already had three "puppet dance parties"with Brynlee, where we put puppets on our hands, crank up our favorite dance playlist, and go crazy with our puppet friends. (My apologies to our friends who live in the apartment below us). My dancing is so bad that Bryn laughs until she falls to the ground and drools, even when I'm not trying to be funny.
-I painted and collaged for the first time since November. Yikes. I'm terribly rusty, but it felt so good. I'm (still) working on a little series of paintings from our neighborhood. And at the rate I'm going it'll be done by 2013. So pull out your paper countdown chain and get excited!
-My family officially bought their plane tickets to visit us over Easter weekend. Best news ever. I can't wait to see them! Yay!
-And I have a 3-hour (maybe longer) Road Show rehearsal tonight...can it get any better than that!? :)


  1. You are the most entertaining blogger. I love your posts! :) I love the part about your dancing making Bryn laugh (hehe!) and your paintings are amazing! I am so interested...are these like special spots in your neighborhood? I want more details. I love how they are mixed collage & painting...I want to try to copy that. Although I would totally fall short. But what I'm trying to say is that you are so inspiring! :)

  2. I miss you! Let's hang out soon! I never see you anymore!

  3. i love love love your paintings/collages! i painted today too but mine definitely does NOT look as great as yours! :) can't wait to see more!

  4. Love that you added the Roadshow to your list.

  5. Laura! We just finished Road Show! It is quite an intense thing!! Did you do them at home? I never did. You are inspiring me to get going on my personal progress!

  6. Love the little colages. I've got to get working asap.
