Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How it Goes

Parenting is a funny thing at times. Some days I feel so comfortable and pleased with my relationship with Brynlee and her behavior. The days are easy, and it's delightful to watch her run, and spin, and explore. And then the next day I am totally humbled because her behavior is suddenly different, she's more moody or sassy or whiney, and I realize all the things I must be failing to teach her. And it swings back and forth between feeling pleased and feeling shaken. Today (and yesterday) I am on the what-am-I-doing? side. So, if anyone has advice on disciplining toddlers, curing picky eaters, teaching toddlers to clean up their toys, keeping a tidy house with a tornado child, or parenting in general... please leave your words of wisdom. Or maybe I'll just wake up tomorrow and be back on the this-is-a-piece-of-cake side of things. (I'm crossing my fingers). I completely love and adore Brynlee and love being a mom. I just have so very much to learn!!


  1. Kids will be kids....which means they will be moody, whiney, and sassy. Ease up on yourself, you're doing all the right stuff, and so is she:)

  2. Pass the information on to me when you find out! =) I feel the exact same way.

  3. You are doing a GREAT job! There is a book I like that I have often referred to in my parenting dilemmas... The Power of Positive Parenting by Glenn Latham. It has some good ideas, but not all the answers. It gives lots of ideas on the behavioral approach. And your mom has always been a good example to me of parenting, ask her!

  4. hang in there, ARE a good mom!

  5. I don't have any advice, but can say I often share in your feelings! One things that was talked about in our ward last sunday was that from small and simple things, great things come to pass. You're doing great! Just hang in there and keep loving that little cutie, and things will work out.
