Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spinach Smoothies

My friend Kristin has gotten me addicted to spinach smoothies! She taught a class on it for part of a Relief Society activity, and all of us were hooked. Brynlee's become a fan now, too. Now my fridge and freezer are both stuffed to the brim with huge, costco bags of spinach, frozen fruit, orange juice, etc. Maybe this can take the place of all the cookies I eat! That's the goal!


  1. ahh...that spinach mustache is killing me!

    i would LOVE to know the recipe for them...it sounds healthy & delicious!

  2. I love to through spinach into my kids smoothies. They never even know how healthy they are!!

  3. could your next post perhaps be that recipe?!? ;) can't stand how cute she is...especially in the little blue suit!

  4. Hi Laura,

    I dont know if you remember me but I was Allisons Best Friend and next door neighbor growing up. I found your blog through Allisons and I have to say I check it out often. Your little Brynlee is so beautiful and you always crack me up. I am glad to see you are doing well. I love all your projects you post about! You are so creative and talented. Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi and tell you how cute your little family is.


  5. I'm loving the mustache! too cute!

  6. I am sad I missed that night!

    I hear those smoothies are amazing!

  7. We have spinach smoothies every day... LOVE them!!!

  8. My brother's family loves those! I keep telling myself I'm going to try it...

  9. I went straight to Costco and bought some spinach. Now what do I do? P.S. love the stache

  10. I LOVE that picture!! Try adding a leaf of kale with the stalk removed...can't taste it!!
