Sunday, December 6, 2009


I have quite a collection of Christmas music, ranging from Mormon Tabernacle Choir to Martina McBride, and from Jon Schmidt (maybe my favorite album) to N*Sync (burned from my Mom! Ha ha.) But my collection is lacking one key album. Raffi. Am I the only one that grew up listening to "Must be Santa" and "On Christmas Morning"? There's something a little unsettling about the album cover, but I must admit that he has some catchy tunes. No Christmas is complete without some Raffi Christmas tunes!


Megan said...

We totally had that growing up too... I LOVE "Must Be Santa"! Thanks for reminding me that I need to get it in my own collection now too.

Becky said...

This has nothing with your Christmas music. It reminded me of your Halloween music. That was a sweet CD.

Merrick said...

I grew up listening to Raffi...Philip did not. So about a month ago, I was singing some stupid Raffi song and decided to find the real song on YouTube so Philip could listen. We ended up spending 30 minutes or so listening to a bunch of Raffi songs, and I have to say HE IS WEIRD. The songs seemed much more normal when I was a little it just sounds like he was on drugs constantly!

Nate and Julie said...

I have a Raffi's not his Christmas album, but it does have "Must be Santa" on it...classic!