Saturday, January 26, 2008

John O'Connell

I just discovered the artwork of John O'Connell, a local painter who teaches at the U of U. His paintings are huge: usually six feet by seven feet. I love his color schemes, I love the thick textures he builds up, I love his organic shapes and subject matter, I'm just really into his work right now. My wonderful husband took me all over SLC last weekend for my birthday, and we visited several of my favorite art galleries. O'Connell is represented primarily by the A Gallery in Sugarhouse. It was great to see his work. I think it's really funky, but beautiful.

To be honest, I do like this artist and am excited about his work, but the real reason I created this post was to bump down the "Elf Sighting" post!

Elf Sighting

So about three weeks ago Laura and I suddenly awoke to what seemed to be the sound of 'riverdance' coming from the kitchen. Much to our surprise we saw the mad feet of an elf almost polishing our kitchen floor as it were, with his graceful steps. We managed to snap a picture of the perpetrator's feet before he frollicked away.

Pack Attack!!

So two years ago everyone in the world was telling Brett Favre that he was washed up and that he needed to retire. Now, here he sits one game from the super bowl against the 18-0 Patriots. Shut em' up Brett! Destroy the G-men today! (I may be changing this post in three hours)


In the past few weeks Josh and I have been to the wedding receptions of two of my very favorite people: Kristin Drennan, my wonderful freshman roommate and my secretary in the Relief Society presidency that year, and Jane Egan, my dear friend who went to London, Tonga, and New Zealand with me....and supported me through all of our wild adventures! Both of these girls looked so beautiful at their receptions and both married such great guys. I am SO happy for them. Marriage is awesome. I couldn't be happier than I've been since I've been married. P.S. Josh and I will be married for 6 months tomorrow January 21st. And in celebration of this half-year anniversary BYU has cancelled school for the day. (Some say it's in honor of Martin Luther King Day....but I'm not so sure).

Friday, January 11, 2008

Back @ BYU

We haven't posted in the last week because we've been busy getting started with the new semester. We're both back at BYU in our second-to-last semester here. Josh loves his classes this semester. He's working with amazing professors that have so much knowledge and experience. I'm enjoying my art classes. It will be a busy semester with tons of painting! I'm also taking a flexibility class with is awesome. I signed up for it with Jae's recommendation. It involves 20 minutes of stretching, then a 20 minute nap. That's right...we're required to lay down and sleep for 20 minutes. I love it. I get a little power nap in the middle of the day. It's like preschool all over again, but I have no complaints!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

One Year Since the Big First Date!

Last weekend was the one year anniversary from our first date! We went out to Applebees just like we did on our first date. I can't believe it's only been one year. It seems like we've been together for so much longer. Our first date was a blast and it just got better and better! We've never been happier! We are SO grateful to be married, and we're looking forward to the years ahead.

Fun Pictures From The Holidays

Bringing in the New Year with the Hawkins at Becky and Hema's house. What a blast! Thanks Becky for the fun party hats and the great party! It was especially fun to be with Jen and Jim's family one last time before they head back to California.

Josh and I spent Christmas Eve at Mom and Dad Hawkins house. It was so great to be with Jenn and Jim and Jessica and Sterling, as pictured above, who we hadn't seen in months. Look at these cute neices and nephews in their new Christmas pajamas. Who doesn't love a new pair of jammies!? It was great a great night of games, gifts, and great food. I'm so glad to be a part of the Hawkins family!
We spent Christmas day with the Clarkes, but I haven't loaded those pictures yet. Stay tuned.